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Working with the Arduino UNO

After being just about finished with the plush Maker Robot design, I've just recently begun working with the Arduino and its interface to learn more complicated electronics. Beginning with the Arduino "Basic Kit", I ventured to Project Ignite to parooze over the projects that it came with. I began with the "Mood LED" project - an LED that changed colors depending on how much light went through each of the three color-coordinated photoresistors. I do think that I was a bit ambitious in trying to complete an intermediate-level project without ever working with an Arduino before, and never coding more than the simple "Hello World." I had it all set up, but lost the green plastic film piece that covered its corresponding green photoresistor, meaning that the project wouldn't turn out the way that it should of. Bummed out, I continued on to the coding portion. This is when I realized that I bit off bit more than I could chew. The instructions were meant to be a bit vague, and I soon realized that I needed to switch to a more simple project. I took all of the wires and components out of the breadboard, and went through the list of projects again.

Project #2* was a simpler beginner-level project of a light theremin; conisting of a single photoresistor, only six wires, and a piezo buzzer; this project seemed much more feasible. This time around, I was able to wire it within minutes and successfully complete the coding. Unfortunately, the piezo buzzer sort of screetches instead of buzzing, and with the volume control hidden somewhere in the coding, I quickly turned it off after I knew that it worked.

*This is the project photographed below.

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